Not so healthful

This morning I had some more fresh bread for breakfast.  My dough was starting to get a little old in the fridge so it came out really  ugly.  It wasn’t worth trying to get pictures of.

Lunch on the other hand was pretty awesome.


I made the same sandwich as usual, but instead of romaine I added some spinach.  Yay for nutrients!



I went to the fitness center a few times to try and get my run in but a couple was running on both treadmills every time I went.  I didn’t want to go after dark so I just went back home and ordered pizza Smile


Chicken pizza with green peppers is the best.  Unfortunately the crust didn’t seem as stellar as last time.  It was kind of bland.


I’ll try and do my run tomorrow. 


I realized yesterday I’m moving in less than two weeks!  Oh my goodness I have so much to do it’s ridiculous!  Hopefully it’ll all fall together easily

– Me

I Scream You Scream….

We all scream for ice cream!

Hi Friends!

I was sitting here thinking about pizza all afternoon.  I didn’t really feel like cooking and pizza was sounding wonderful.  I checked my grocery budget to see if I had enough room for pizza, and I did but just barely so I changed plans and decided I could pick up a frozen pizza from the grocery store and ice cream too!

This is the kind I got.  I popped it in the oven and grabbed the ice cream!


Ben + Jerry’s Cinnamon Buns ice cream is seriously the greatest thing ever created.  Did you know that when you work for them they give you a free pint everyday!  How cool would that be???


I almost burned the pizza.  But only almost.

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I was so excited to eat it that I burned my mouth a little.


It was okay, not as good as Domnino’s but the crust was really good.  I would probably buy it again in a pinch.

I didn’t count calories today, I just didn’t really feel like it. 

Tomorrow I start running!  See you then

– Me flower