Start living.

I read a quote that sums up the way I feel about my life lately.

You can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth. – Shira Tehrani

This is exactly why I started my blog.  I want to live life with every ounce of effort I have, because it’s only so long.  It’s no surprise this deployment has been very hard on me and I’ve been letting it get the best of me for too long.  I know that he wouldn’t be happy with me to know I’ve been living this way, because I would be furious with him if things were reversed.  It’s time to start living my life.  I don’t want to look back and realize that I lost a year of my life moping because things didn’t work the way I wanted them to.  That’s just silly.

There are so many things I want to do, and I’m tired of sitting around waiting to do them.

Now, if the weather would warm up just a bit I’d get to do some of the things on my list!


I think I’m going to start adding a squirt of lemon juice to at least some of the water I have every day.  I was googling the health benefits of lemon juice, and just from the results, you can see that it wouldn’t be a bad idea.  I like lemon water, so I don’t see why this would be such a bad thing to do and it turns out it’s good for me!


I have been a picky eater for as long as I can remember. Where new foods excite some, they scare the crap out of me.  I’m working on that.  I enjoy food, so there’s no reason to limit the foods I enjoy.  I’m working to improve the variety in my diet, and to inject healthier foods into some of the foods I eat everyday. 

I did exactly this with my potato soup recipe


When I was boiling the potatoes I tossed in some broccoli to amp up the nutritional factor.  After they were finished, I ran the veggies through my food processor. 


What came out was almost identical to the soup I had last week, but just a little greener and a little healthier. 


I’ll take it.

Tomorrow starts day 1 of C25K!  I’ll let you know how it goes!

– Me flower


Craptastic pictures for an amazing lunch!


This is one of my favorite go-to meals for a cold day.  Potato soup is so easy to make and with just a few different ingredients you can dramatically change it up!


  • Two small potatoes
  • one green onion
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • a little water
  • one ounce cream cheese
  • splash buffalo sauce
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon Dreaming of a White Christmas Soup Mix
    • minus the pasta Happy


I cubed and boiled the potatoes until they’re tender and then drained and mostly mashed them.  Then I added the rest of the ingredients and let it simmer until it had reached the consistency I like.  Super Super easy and VERY tasty!


I’m LOVING this song!  She has such a gorgeous voice!

What an absolutely gorgeous song!


I’m thinking about reading Wuthering Heights today.  Since it’s public domain I can read it online.  I’m curled up with my heat pack and some coffee and that sounds like a wonderful afternoon.

See you in a few hours!

– Me flower